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Story of my collaboration with Locii: an Australian blockchain enthusiast team

About Project

Truuth, a product by Locii, an Australian company, is an application of blockchain technology. Locii's core objective is to give consumers the power to regain control over their data, ensuring its security through blockchain encryption, and enabling them to monetize it on their own terms. The Truuth App operates through a streamlined process that involves three key steps: securing, verifying, and providing various avenues for monetizing personal data.



My Role

Product Designer


Every day, we willingly hand over sensitive data to countless websites, organizations, and businesses worldwide. However, despite its immense value, this data is often shared insecurely with multiple entities, and as the original owners, we rarely reap any benefits from sharing it. Truuth endeavors to address this issue by introducing a blockchain-based platform as a potential solution.

Process & Solution

Optimizing User Flow and Uncovering New Opportunities

Upon joining the Truuth project, I discovered that the target users and product flow had already been defined. In the initial stages of my involvement, I took the step to revalidate the findings and improve the user flow. Additionally, I conducted benchmarking exercises to assess similar competitors, which enabled me to uncover new opportunities and generate fresh ideas. These insights were then implemented in the subsequent phases of the project.

1. Enhancing Truuth's Design Phase Starting Point

Since the initial flow in Truuth primarily catered to the technical requirements of the product development team, a revision was necessary to align it with the design phase. To facilitate this transition, we made significant improvements and adjustments to transform it into an ideal starting point for the design phase.

Defined flow in Truuth was more of a technical flow and was designed for the product development team

2. Benchmarking Fintech and Blockchain-Based Products for Truuth

Since Truuth was a unique concept without any existing similar apps for inspiration, we sought alternative sources to generate fresh ideas. Recognizing the potential synergy, we turned to fintech apps and other blockchain-based products as a benchmarking reference. Through a comprehensive analysis of these products, we aimed to uncover valuable insights that could inspire and inform the development of Truuth.

  1. Robinhood
  2. Headspace
  3. Expensify
  4. Fivestars
  5. Flok
  6. Flipboard
  7. Lemonade
  8. Stockpile
  9. Root
Some of the benchmarked apps

Design & Prototype

Designing Truuth presented a significant challenge for me as a designer, primarily due to its entirely novel concept. To meet this challenge, I had to innovate and invent new UX patterns that aligned with the unique nature of the product. Ensuring usability was paramount, leading me to meticulously evaluate and refine each pattern repeatedly. Consequently, every section of the flow underwent numerous iterations to optimize its effectiveness.

Furthermore, given the importance of presenting a compelling prototype to potential investors, it was crucial for the employer to have a high-fidelity functional prototype that closely resembled the final product. Thus, I undertook the task of creating a prototype that not only showcased the envisioned user experience but also provided a tangible representation of the product's capabilities.

Designing Truuth with an Eye-Catching Appeal

Recognizing that Truuth introduced users to a completely novel concept, I understood the importance of capturing their attention and retaining their interest. To ensure user engagement, I made a deliberate choice to design Truuth with visually rich and eye-catching elements. By infusing the interface with vibrant visuals and compelling aesthetics, I aimed to create a captivating experience that would entice users to explore the app further and discourage early abandonment.

Screenshots of Truuth final designs

Creating Hi-fi Prototype

To meet the client's objective of showcasing a prototype closely resembling the final product during investor presentations, I opted to develop a hi-fi functional prototype. In this regard, I selected Protopie as my preferred tool over Figma. Protopie offered the advantage of seamlessly adapting screens based on user choices, allowing for dynamic and interactive experiences. Moreover, its advanced set of tools empowered me to implement complex interactions, resulting in a more immersive and realistic prototype that accurately conveyed the envisioned user journey.

See Prototype
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